Queer Poly Kinky Pagan Sex Educator, Blogger, Model & Nursing Student.
“Try-sexual” by nature, Aiden Fyre enjoys pushing their boundaries or deconstructing them altogether as a transgender-genderqueer polyamorous pagan queer sadomasochistic switch. Having started in the alternative scene in the late 90s, Aiden has spent the last decade (and then some) exploring sexuality, gender, kink, polyamory and more. Advocating authenticity in all areas of life, especially sexuality, they enjoy inspiring sexual exploration and playfulness as an active member in the various sex-positive communities, sex blogger, Cuddle Party Facilitator-in-Training, host of NYC’s Alphabet Soup, sexuality educator and model. As a ‘Kinky Catalyst,’ Aiden encourages debauchery wherever they go.
Easily amused, and just as easily bored, Aiden juggles between ‘Real Life’ and trying to have one. Aiden loves to explore the inner depths of themself, the world, and the people in it. They are drawn to all things exotic and mysterious…. with an extra delight in that which is taboo. An extrovert and introvert rolled into one, Aiden is a mixture of serious and silly… totally unpredictable, they encourage playfulness wherever they go. Their lust for life is insatiable; Aiden plays the game of life at 100%.
Sex-Positive Health Care Project:
In an attempt to ensure access to safe, respectful, and non-discriminatory health care for the LGBTQI and Sex-Positive communities (and the diverse sub-communities within them), Aiden Fyre is currently working on a quality-controlled, nationwide directory of health care providers willing and able to provide quality, culturally competent care to gender and sexual minorities. Unlike existing lists serving the various communities separately, this list will allow providers to designate areas of gender and sexuality experience and competence so patients can select providers who can meet their individual needs.
Here is a list of classes Aiden is available to speak on:
Bucking the Binary: Dissecting Sex, Gender and Orientation
Communing with the Sacred: Sacred Sex and Pleasure for Partners
Domestic Service – A Practicum
Foundations in Submission and Bottoming: Skill sets for Bottoms by a Bottom
LGBTQI Cultural Competency
Marking the Journey: Rites of Passage and Ordeal BDSM
Never Say Never – Exploring Edges, Boundaries and Limits
Needle Play for Beginners
Providing Care for Sex-Positive Populations
Safer Sex for Sluts: Safer Sex Made Sexy
So You Want to Be a Slut?: Survival Tips on How to Do it Safely, Sanely, and just have fun!